You know that mind-blowing experience you get when you watch a movie you didn’t quite understand as a kid, but then suddenly you understand it due to the wisdom that comes with age?! Well, I was watching The Lion King today…And let me tell you. There are sooo many things I missed. For example, I JUST realized that one of the hyenas is a GIRL. What’s up with that?! Also, I realized that this movie is a knock-off of Hamlet. Congratulations, Shakespeare. Hamlet has been turned into a Disney movie…Except we’re gonna add lions, a deranged monkey, and a few musical numbers and probably leave out the whole “to be or not to be” dilemma. But the part that really got to me was the stampede scene.
So Simba is just chillin’ on this rock in the middle of nowhere, practicing his roar like his Uncle Scar told him to. He kinda half-roars/half snarls at this poor lizard-thing and scares the bejesus out of it, so it runs away. Then comes the herd of crazed antelope speeding down the gorge. Here’s the thing though. I thought for years that the whole stampede happened because the lizard-thing was upset with Simba, so he magically summoned the antelope to come and run over Mufasa. Stupid lizard thing…It’s HIS fault Mufasa’s dead. Never mind the fact that the antelope were being chased by three hungry hyenas. By the way, if a herd of antelope can kill a freakin’ lion, why in the world were they running from three hyenas?! Just sayin’…This scene threw off the whole movie for me because I missed the fact that Scar was the real bad guy… I thought it was the lizard-thing. So naturally, I had no idea why Simba came back to kill Scar at the end. But you know the great thing about being a kid is? None of that mattered. I still loved the movie because the lion fights were cool!
I bought this today! It is my favorite Disney movie! Gah!